14 Smart Pricing Strategies to Attract Customers


It can be difficult to determine how much to charge for your goods or services. You will lose valuable sales if you set your prices too high. If you set them too low, you'll miss out on a lot of money. Pricing does not have to be a sacrifice or a wild guess, thankfully. There are a variety of pricing models and strategies that can help you better understand how to set the right prices for your target audience and revenue objectives.

That is why we have compiled this resource.

The tactics and strategies in this guide will help you get comfortable pricing your products, whether you're a newcomer to business or a seasoned pricing expert. Save this guide for later and navigate to specific sections of interest using the chapter links.

Pricing Strategy Explained!

A pricing strategy is a model or method for determining a product's or service's most competitive price. It helps you set prices that maximise profits and shareholder value while also considering consumer and market demand.

If only pricing were as straightforward as its definition — there's a lot to it.

Pricing strategies take into account many aspects of your business, including revenue goals, marketing objectives, target audience, brand positioning, and product attributes. They are influenced by external factors such as consumer demand, competitor pricing, and overall market and economic trends.

Entrepreneurs and business owners are notorious for overpricing their goods and services. They frequently take into account COGS and competitor rates and adjust their selling price by a few dollars. While your costs of goods sold and competitors are important, your pricing strategy should not be based on them.

 If you use the best pricing strategy, your profit and revenue will be maximised.

Pricing Strategies to Attract Customers

There are a variety of pricing strategies that can be used to attract customers.

  1. Competition-Based Pricing
  2. Cost-Plus Pricing
  3. Dynamic Pricing
  4. Freemium Pricing
  5. High-Low Pricing
  6. Hourly Pricing
  7. Skimming Pricing
  8. Penetration Pricing
  9. Premium Pricing
  10. Project-Based Pricing
  11. Value-Based Pricing
  12. Bundle Pricing
  13. Psychological Pricing
  14. Geographic Pricing

Now let's look at the descriptions of each pricing strategy — many of which are included in the template below — to see what makes them different.

Geographic Pricing Strategy

Geographic pricing is the practise of pricing products or services differently depending on where they are sold or where they are sold. This strategy may be used if a customer from another country makes a purchase or if there are differences in factors such as the economy or wages (between the location where you're selling a good and the location where the person who buys it lives).

Marketing Pricing Strategy by Location

Paid social media advertising makes it simple to market a product or service that is geographically priced. At a low cost and with high accuracy, segmenting by zip code, city, or even region is possible. Your pricing model will remain consistent even if specific customers travel or relocate permanently, allowing you to keep your marketing costs low.


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