10 Small Business Tech-Tools for Growth


You've probably heard the term "there aren't enough hours in the day" if you own a small business. From creating proposals and meeting with clients to staying on top of emails and administrative work, your days are jam-packed. It's easy to feel worn out and overwhelmed.

Fortunately, technical advancements in software and apps have resulted in a wealth of digital tools that can help you streamline your business and reduce stress at work.

But, with so many possibilities, how can you know which ones will be the most beneficial to your business? We'll provide some tool recommendations in this article to make your life easier. If you're looking for the best business tools, this article is a must-read.

Small Business Benefits of Using Tech Tools

Let's talk about why investing in tech tools for your small business makes sense before we get started. To begin with, technology can help you save time and focus on what matters most. You can use that time to chat to clients and prospects, enhance your products and services, and engage in other strategic initiatives geared at growing your business instead of wasting it on manual administrative tasks like data entry and billing.

Second, technical tools can assist you in making financial savings. A CRM technology, for example, can detect when you're "leaving money on the table" with a certain group of customers. Accounting software may show information indicating that you've been overpaying. A backup solution can help you prevent losing data or undesired downtime, both of which can result in customer churn or revenue loss. A good project management solution will prevent you from missing a deadline by accident, resulting in a service-level agreement breach and the penalties that come with it.

Third, digital tools complement the new post-pandemic paradigm, in which people and businesses desire to limit in-person interactions because of ongoing health concerns and laws. People may do much of their "business as usual" tasks from any location and on any device since tech tools are digital. Additionally, most tools are accessible as software-as-a-service (SaaS), which means you only pay for the services you want and need, and you can quickly terminate your subscription, if you decide that a tool isn't right for you

These examples show that picking and deploying technological tools for your small business is a smart business decision.

Now it's time to suggest several solutions for you to consider in each tech tool area. We'll go over the advantages as well as any potential disadvantages or limits.

In 2022, the Top 10 Tech Tools for Small Businesses

The top ten tech tools for small businesses are as follows:

1. Trello is a project management tool.

DocuSign is an e-signature tool.

3. MailChimp for email marketing

4. HubSpot Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

5. Human Resources Management: GoCo

6. QuickBooks Online Accounting Software

Microsoft Office 365: Communication and Collaboration

LastPass is an excellent password manager.

9. Google Analytics for website monitoring

10. Rewind Data Backup

Tools for Project Management

Project management software can assist you in keeping several balls in the air. Essentially, these technologies allow you to preserve digital records of your activities, appointments, and deadlines (as opposed to having to do so manually).

These programmes can produce reminders for forthcoming activities and events, providing specifics like the time and location of your next meeting. These technologies can also send comparable reminders to other team members, ensuring that everyone is aware of what is expected of them and when it is expected of them.

Trello is one of our favourite project management tools.


• Simple cost; they provide a version that allows you to invite an infinite number of people and create boards, cards, and lists.

• It is mobile-friendly and runs on all platforms.


• If you're a basic member, each attachment has a 10MB file upload limit.

• Data backup risks — in the event of a disaster or data loss, you won't be able to import your data back into Trello. (You can mitigate this risk by using the Rewind Backups for Trello Power-Up.)

2. E-Signature Software

E-signature technologies come in helpful when you and others need to sign contracts and agreements. Simply upload your papers, enter the recipients' email addresses, and the documents will be delivered to their inboxes.

Most e-signature software lets you establish signature due dates and automatically send notifications to anyone who hasn't signed yet. E-signature solutions are a convenient (and thus ecologically friendly) option. They also support remote and geographically scattered work settings.

DocuSign is one of the most popular and commonly utilised electronic signature platforms.


• Signature groups are built for certain tasks, and an administrator can delegate and manage all document signing actions and individuals.


• It's a bit costly, given that Adobe created its own free signature function.

• Slow response time and difficulties configuring the tool across a large organization with numerous users.


tools for businesses, tech tools for small businesses, best tools for businesses

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