How to Become a Good Listener – A Crucial Quality to Master



Active or effective listening is a skill that is often overlooked. People listen in order to respond, not to comprehend. You unlock high-quality listening when you start listening to understand the person. Knowing how well and how often you listen to people during a conversation can help you forecast your leadership abilities. More than personality or intelligence, effective listening describes your leadership potential.

A excellent listener always performs better at work and has a high level of well-being, according to studies. This post will teach you how to be a better listener. You will learn about the various sorts of listening abilities that a person requires in this post. If you're a regular reader, you'll understand the value of listening. Finally, I'll discuss some of the obstacles to good listening and how to overcome them.

Let's improve your active listening skills!

How can you improve your listening skills?

SLR is the basic answer to this question (Not a BGMI gun name). It simply means that you should:

 • Shut up

• Listen

• And Repeat when someone is speaking to you.

The Value of Listening

Listening does not mean giving someone your ear only when they ask for it and ignoring them the rest of the time. Listening is as vital for your eyes as eyelids are for your eyes. Let's look into why:

• It promotes mutual respect and trust. Active listening skills show the other person that you are interested in what they are trying to convey. People are far more likely to come to you if they trust you. It could be a partner with whom you've had a spat, a child or adolescent who wants to confide in you, or a coworker with whom you're trying to sort out some work-related issues.

• Active listening skills improve your chances of actually understanding the individual, their situation, or their need. You are sympathetic to the other person. Empathy is defined as the ability to empathise with another or another individual. If problem-solving or a more open discussion of the subject is required, the door is wide open. By listening, you gain crucial insight into what they're trying to say.

• Nonverbal communication skills, such as eye contact, leaning in, or head nods, show that you're interested and paying attention to the other person. You appear to be interested in what I'm saying. Individuals are able to be more open and honest as a result of it. • Active listening skills can benefit in the settlement of conflict, rage, and resentment since people are far more inclined to talk honestly if they believe they are being heard. When we don't speak with someone, we often presume what they're thinking and feeling. Unfortunately, this can result in misconceptions, as well as the development of rage, resentment, and other bad emotions. Rather than presuming, you will learn what others are feeling and thinking if you use active listening skills.

You now understand why listening is so essential and how you may utilise it to your advantage.

Types of Listening You Should Be Aware Of

Let's look at the many styles of listening that might help you make good decisions while someone is speaking to you.

1. Listening for information

When you want to learn something, you'll employ informational listening to understand and remember it. This style of listening usually needs a significant amount of commitment. It's because grasping a new notion necessitates a high level of concentration.

You should also use critical thinking in your studies. This is done to ensure that you properly appreciate what you're learning in the context of other data.

When you know when and how to use informational listening, you'll be able to improve your learning abilities. By actively learning and developing yourself, you may become a more valuable asset at work.

If you explore your passions and learn something new at home, you can feel energised.

2. Listening with Distinction

The first sort of listening you are born with is discriminative listening. Everyone is born with the ability to listen with discrimination. This style of listening is utilised before you have a firm grasp of the language. Rather than words, discriminative hearing depends on voice tone, inflections, and other sound alterations. Babies utilise discriminative listening to understand the meaning of a statement before they can even understand words. If someone speaks to them in a cheerful and entertaining tone of voice, they will smile and chuckle. Different voices are recognised, so they can know who is speaking.

Discriminative listening, on the other hand, isn't just for babies. You will probably certainly employ your discriminative listening abilities when listening to a conversation in a foreign language.

You'll be able to figure out what's going on by analysing tone and intonations. Listening and analysing can also be done via nonverbal clues. A person's facial expressions, body posture, and other gestures, for example, can tell a lot about a message's definition. Even if you understand someone's language, discriminative listening should not be overlooked. The listening approach described above is critical for picking up on minor communication clues. This ability to listen can help you read between the lines and hear what isn't expressed.

3. Listening that is skewed

Biased listening is also known as selective listening.

Biased listening is when someone only listens to information that they wish to hear.

Facts may be distorted as a result of this listening process. It's because the one who wants to listen isn't entirely focused on the speaker.

4. Listening with empathy

Sympathetic listening is fueled by emotion. Rather than focusing on the information conveyed through words, the listener is more interested in the speaker's feelings and emotions. Its goal is to help people process their emotions and feelings. Using sympathetic listening, you can provide the essential support to the speaker. You can understand how they really feel, not just how they claim they feel.

The speaker will feel appreciated and affirmed if you pay attentively in this manner. You must practise sympathetic listening if you want to create a deeper connection with someone in your life.


how to become a good listener, types of listening skills, importance of listening

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