Paqui One Chip Challenge – Do You Dare?


What if the hottest pepper is rubbed against the taste buds? What if I tell you that the company is aimed at burning your taste buds? Of course with your consent. Would you like to try this burning sensation or want to be a spectator? do not worry! Here's exactly what it is. This blog is about Paqui and his one-chip challenge. So grab a glass of milk, put on your rubber gloves, order the Paki Carolina Reaper and dive straight into the heat world!

How hot is the One Chip Challenge!

Paqui is known for cooking Mexican food. In 2017, Paqui launched the chip. Yes, only one chip is included in the package. They asked people to finish the camera chips. You can't believe the reaction that the camera captures. This challenge was known as the Paqui Chip Challenge Scoville.

One-chip challenge you say?

So what are the real challenges of Paqui chips?
Wait a minute! Never leave the stone as it is. After all, it is to burn out the TRPV1 receptors in the taste buds. The challenge is called a one-chip challenge. All you have to do is open the package, take out the chips with pepper powder and eat. that's it. Doesn't it sound like a challenge? Wait for Carolina Reaper Pepper to start dancing with your taste buds. Your eyes, tongue, and soul will ask you to tap, but will be damaged
Are you ready to take on the One Chip Challenge? It's a serious job!

Heats that one chip How hot is the chip?

Let's talk about this scientifically. Have you heard about jalapenos? It used to be the hottest pepper in the world. After that, 1 million Scoville Heat Units appeared in Bhut Jolokia. Much higher than jalapeno. Next up is Carolina Reaper, known as the hottest pepper in the world with 1.7 million Scoville heat units. It's hot now!

If you want to know, try the Carolina Reaper chip. be careful! The Scoville value of this Paqui chip is 1.7 million. If you want to try their Ghost Pepper Paqui Chip, you have to handle 1 million Scoville Heat Units. This year, Paki has decided to revive the One Chip Challenge with a new combo to burn your soul. Chips packed in a casket and great seasonings! The
Paqui chip comes in a very attractive casket-like package. The casket shows the type of risky business you are about to undertake. A single tip seasoned with two prime peppers is a ride from hell. Everyone has to wonder how spicy the paki chips are with the two pepper spices
Let me answer Spice consists of Carolina Reaper Pepper and Scorpion Pepper with Scoville values ​​of 1.7 million and 1.5 million, respectively. Imagine how hot the chip gets.

Train yourself for OCC

Before you munching on that one tip, first prepare yourself. Try other chips from Paqui, such as Mucho Nacho Cheese and Haunted Ghost Pepper Paqui Chips. These chips are not very hot, but they are in the same heat range. You can later train the taste buds to deal with the real thing.

Now you're ready and worth that one chip. Make sure you are wearing gloves. When this spice is near your eyes and nose, you won't like it. Immediately after the challenge, take off your gloves so that you do not get hot and tickle the eyes of others. If you cannot get gloves, prepare soap and water so that you can wash your hands as soon as possible.

Once all of these are on standby, devour the Scoville Pakiwan Chip Challenge!
When you're done, feel the capsaicin acting on the taste buds and take a breath, not literally. If you can't control your burns, drink cold milk or ice. These carbs don't kill heat, but slow down the process.


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