10 Best Writing Apps To Improve Your Writing

 10 Best Writing Apps To Improve Your Writing

Writing is an art that can be improved upon by all. Everybody can be a better writer. Writing is not just a way to communicate your thoughts and ideas. Writing is an important step in creating new content. It helps you to lower stress and enhance your ability to articulate your thoughts. Many people find writing intimidating.

Without the right tools, you won't be capable of writing an email, a blog post, and a complete novel. This begs the question: What are the Best Writing Apps that can help you from basic composition to overall productivity?
We have compiled a list of the top writing apps so you can easily choose one that is right for you and make your own.
These apps can be used to improve your writing quality and fix unnoticed mistakes.

HubSpot Blog Topic Generator

This app is great for helping writers to come up with content ideas. Sometimes our minds can get stuck and we don't have any ideas for content. This app can help you if you are having trouble creating content. Only three nouns are required for the generator. You will have many topics to choose between for the week!


Plottr is the most popular plotting software. Plottr was created with one goal in mind: to help you plan out and outline your story. This is what Plottr excels at. Plottr makes it easy to create plots, scenes, and arcs that will help you tell your story. The intuitive interface allows you to visually arrange, re-arrange, and colour-coordinate your plot until it makes sense.

Additional features like plot cards and timelines are available to help you plan better. Software that does more than it parts makes plotting simpler.


Canva is a great app that creates beautiful logos and posters for blogs, LinkedIn newsletters and Instagram posts. You can choose from a variety of templates, both free and premium. Don't be intimidated to learn Photoshop if you don't know how it works.


Let's talk now about screenplay writing apps. Storyist is great for writing novels. But screenplays and stage plays are where this app shines. When you create a project, you'll be asked to select an action, character and dialogue. This will ensure proper formatting. This helps you to be aware of what elements you're using, so you don’t forget to transition between scenes and overdo the dialogue.

Sidebar tabs are a way to organize your settings and characters. This feature is great for screenwriters that need strong visuals to accompany their writing. Storyist offers very few features. Storyist is meant to be easy and accessible for beginners. It does however have enough formatting flair to make you feel like a rising Hollywood star.


Milanote is an easy-to-use tool that organizes your ideas into visual board. These boards enable writers to organize and keep track of everything.
The flexible interface allows you to do multiple tasks.
Create to-do lists and note-taking.
Upload images and files.
You can save images, text and links from any website, plus many other items.

Libre Office

Libre Office is an word processor that writers can use to create alternatives to Microsoft Word. It offers many features including a word processor layout and support formats. You can create a book with an online editor by simply writing a memo.


If you are a blogger, marketer or copywriter, you will be well aware of how important it is to create a compelling headline. Your headlines are the first contact point for your content with the outside world. They are often the key factor in readers choosing to read it.

Coschedule allows you to create headlines that increase sales and click-through rates. You can create headlines for emails subject lines or social media posts with the Coschedule Content Analyzer.

The program examines your headline's structure, grammar and length. It also displays samples of subject lines for email and Google search.


Evernote is a great app for taking notes , and keeping track of your ideas. You can create lists and checklists to track your business expenses . It can also be used to create graphics.

Focus Writer

Distractions are something writers should avoid. Facebook and other social media platforms can be distracting. Focus writer allows you to focus on your work without distractions. Focus writer gives the processor a clear interface to remove clutter from your computer screen. Although it's not the best interface to edit second and third drafts, it's great at editing.


Grammarly is the most used grammar and spelling tool for non-word processors. Grammarly highlights weak sentences and errors in your writing, just like any editor. Grammarly does more than that. It gives you a label and a detailed explanation of every correction, so you can learn from your mistakes

Grammarly has many features that will help you achieve the results that you want in your writing. You can set goals that are specific to your audience and determine the level of formality and tone. Examine your text to determine clarity, engagement, delivery,, and other factors. Grammarly is a comprehensive writing environment. Grammarly can be used for short-form copywriting, but not for long-form storytelling. Grammarly is great for people who send a lot of emails. Grammarly is a great tool for people who write a lot of emails.

These apps won't replace you, but they can help you be a better writer. Pick the right app. Writing is all about creating something beautiful and unique to share with others. These apps are designed to be helpful for all writing projects.


best writing apps, become a better writer, creating quality content

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