Effects Of Pandemic On The Internet

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe. The initial appearance of a mild, manageable virus soon became a major pandemic. The virus remains active even though it has been a year since. The entire world was under lockdown and most people spent their time in front of screens. All ages have seen a significant increase in the average time they spend in front of screens.

We all escaped the four walls of our homes and took to our electronic gadgets. It was used by children to access online classes, while adults could do all their work via Google Meet or Zoom phone calls. Pandemic has changed the way we use the internet. The internet is officially entering a new era. We'll find out in the future whether it's good for us or not. It is impossible to ignore the impact that the pandemic has had on the growth of the internet.

The internet's pre-pandemic and post-pandemic usages are vastly different. Everything has changed, from our dependence on technology to our obsession over the internet.

Pandemic Effects On The Internet

Our screens provided us with multiple pleasures, as we had no place to go. It was a way to communicate with the outside world. It was used by people to connect with family and friends as well as colleagues. This was made possible by applications like Google Meet andZoom. To relieve boredom, many people turned to OTT service. The Pandemic gave new meaning to binge-watching. This year saw major growth in services like Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Not only OTT, but social media apps like Instagram or YouTube have also seen a significant growth arc. These apps were used significantly more often per person. This is perhaps the best thing that has come out of the pandemic. All businesses have suffered massive losses, while the internet is booming.

Since COVID-19 was first discovered, it's been over a year. Let's dive deeper into the subject and discover the many ways that the Internet has changed.

Two Major Changes in the Online World

1. Education

There are more than 1.2 million children living in 186 countries worldwide. Their school lives were greatly disrupted by the Pandemic. Online education was the best alternative to all of the schools that were closed. Within a matter of months, all schools and colleges had adopted online learning.

However, research in education technology as well as online classes has been ongoing since before the Corona Pandemic. The total investment in edtech reached $18.66 billion in 2019. This number is expected to rise to $350 billion by 2025. This type of growth is uncommon in any industry. Online classes of any kind have become increasingly popular, and more students are getting to know them.

The huge rise in BYJU’S users is one example of the rapid growth of online education. BYJU'S offered live classes via its Think and Learn App during the pandemic. The company saw a 20% increase in its number of students after this announcement. This is an incredible growth curve that could indicate that online schools might soon be an option to traditional classes. On average, 81.1 million people visited their Youtube channels and websites of online learning sites like Khan Academy and Coursera every month. These numbers show how important the Internet was in education during these stressful times.

2. Jobs

The Internet has also changed the way we work. Employers used many online video conferencing tools to hold meetings and keep connected after offices were closed during the Pandemic. All things were done via video calls, from presentations and meetings to job interviews. Many corporations began to operate online within a short time.

Zoom,, a video conferencing software that has been the standard for online lectures and meetings, has seen a 300% increase in its users. This was a record for the company. In their annual results report, Zoom reported that they had made $328 million in revenue. This was possible due to their simple-to-use features, which many corporations and companies adopted quickly. Google Meet, the video conferencing application by Google, is now used by around 3 million people per day. This is a staggering number by any standard and neither company could have imagined such an enormous user base if it wasn't for the pandemic.

This was a welcome shift for employees who typically work 10 hours or more five days a semaine. 32% reported feeling happier working at home in a survey. Many of the participants answered that they don't need to commute long distances to work so they can spend more time with family. These employees could also take longer and more rewarding breaks by working from home. These factors greatly improved their happiness.

The Final Word

The internet has opened up a new world for humans. Many of their stress was eliminated by working from home in the most comfortable clothes. This is true for all college- and school-going kids. They were able to learn everything, without the need for school pressure. Many are now wondering if the online practice will continue after the third wave subsides and the virus has been pushed to the sidelines. What would happen to people's mental and physical health if this happened?


effects of pandemic on the internetent, work from home, research and development

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