Using Plastic Bottles For Drinking Water? Beware Of These 5 Side Effects


As the capacity of the planet to cope with the rapidly increasing volume of disposable plastic items gets overloaded, plastic pollution is becoming one of the biggest environmental problems. In the developing Asian or African countries in which the garbage disposal services are ineffective or insufficient, the issue of plastic pollution is the most evident. However developed world is struggling with the proper collection of used plastics, especially those with low recycling rates. It is the United Nations has been seeking to establish an international convention since plastic waste has become widespread.

In the course of their lives, people consume approximately 4 pounds of plastic. According to a recent study, India produces 6,000 tonnes of plastic per day, out of which 10,000 tonnes do not get taken away.

The environmental damage created by water bottles made of plastic has been brought to the attention of the general public in recent times. However even though most individuals are well aware of negative environmental impact of drinking water bottle made of plastic, use of plastic water bottles to throw away is not drastically reduced due to this information. Although recycling is now easier than ever before, 90% of water bottles aren't recycled after usage that results in millions of plastic bottles settling in our garbage bins and our oceans every year. In actual fact, there's plenty of plastic that is deposited in our oceans that it could kill more than one million marine species each year typically due to accidental drinking of plastic.

Microplastics are described as tiny bits that are composed of plastics, have become an atypical element in water bottles according to research conducted by non-profit journalist organisation Orb Media.

There were more than 250 bottles belonging to 11 different brands distributed across nine countries were part of the State University of New York study. In actuality the study, only "a small percentage" among the bottles were made of some plastic in them, while others contained thousands. Each brand had an element of danger.

The chemically synthesized polymers that make up plastics are used in a wide range of products, such as water bottles clothing, food packaging, clothing electronic equipment, medical supplies and building materials, among others.

When you purchase the glass bottle made of plastic you must consider the life of the thousands of aquatic species as well as your personal health. One garbage truck's worth of plastic enters our waters every minute. The impacts on marine life caused by this volume of trash that includes millions of plastic bottles for drinking, are devastating. Each year plastic kills millions of species of animals including fish, birds and other marine creatures.

The most recent restriction on single-use plastics within India has attracted attention to the common use of plastic in daily life. Chemicals in plastics can be very dangerous.

It's not unusual to find people carrying containers made of plastic in their palms. The plastic bottles that are in use are probably the most popular kind of container that people prefer to keep water in. If you're among those, we can alter your opinion by informing you about the negative consequences of drinking water stored in plastic bottles.

Plastic bottles release toxic substances that could cause harm.

It is possible that you are making use of high-quality plastic but it contains a number of bacteria and chemicals. It has a negative environmental impact however, the alarming increase in plastic bottle use is also affecting our health."

What is the reason drinking water from bottles dangerous? Because the chemicals in plastic bottles are eventually absorbed through the water. The harmful toxins are linked to various ailments, including damage to kidneys and livers as well as cancer of the uterus and breasts after they've entered the bloodstream.

This is how drinking plastic water bottles can affect the health of your family:

1- Drinking water from plastic Bottles Could cause weight gain.

If you're trying to shed weight and are on a diet it's a good idea to look more closely at the packaging on your food and beverages. The most surprising negative effects of water bottles made of plastic may be weight increase However, the recent research supports this claims.

According to a study which has been published by the journal Environmental Science and Technology, certain chemicals found present in plastics used to create water bottles could alter the way your body processes fat and also increase the quantity of fat cells within your body. This can have a significant impact on your weight.

2. Impacts On Immune System

It is never recommended to drink or store water made from plastic bottles. This is due to the chemical compounds that are in plastic get by our bodies, and have the potential of affecting our immune systems.

3. Liver Cancer and Reducing Sperm Count

Because of that there is a substance known as phthalates in plastics, it could cause problems such as liver cancer as well as the reduction of sperm count (in males). A study recently conducted by State University of New York in Fredonia has revealed high levels of microplastics in water bottles, specifically in brands that are popular.


avoid plastic bottles, ecofriendly products, sustainable living, plastic water bottle, plastic free oceans

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