7 Top Social Media Platforms To Use For Paid Advertising

7 Top Social Media Platforms To Use For Paid Advertising

Social media platforms are a great way for small businesses to get paid traffic. Paid social media advertising is growing in popularity. It's because Social Media is now available to all companies, regardless of size, and they can achieve amazing results. The online advertising market is booming and social media paid ads are a great way to get your message out. Millionaires will not be made by a marketer who spends thousands of dollars every day to generate millions in revenue.

Social media is the perfect time for startups to explode. Promoting their products and services will help reach their target audience and generate more leads. The digital marketing strategies you use to promote your business type (e.g. The services or products that you offer.

E-commerce can be more profitable if they use social media advertising to promote low-priced items. You only need to choose the right advertising platform for your company. This will allow you to identify your best practices as well as who your target audience are.

There are many ways to generate leads in online marketingSocial media advertising strategies work better.

Let's look at some of the most well-known social media advertising platforms that can generate leads.

1. Facebook Advertising: Social Media

Facebook Advertising is the most used paid advertising channel on social media with over 2.2 billion users. Other platforms are also available for advertising on social media.

Over the past 5 years, Facebook has seen a significant increase in PPC advertising. Text and images ads can be used, as well as video ads.

With detailed audience targeting, it's now easier than ever to reach the right people at right times.

Facebook ads can target large portions of your targeted audience. This is an advantage for in generating leads and sales.

Lead generation can be used to gather leads information and then upload it to Facebook.

To redirect your audience to your website, use a click-to–website campaign. This will increase your conversions.

Facebook has many ad formats you can use to organize your ads. These include single images and/or videos, carousel advertisements and collection ads. Every business wants to ensure that their advertising dollars are being spent efficiently. Facebook invented the CBO concept. Campaign budget optimization allows advertisers to set a single campaign budget they can use across all ad sets. You can distribute the budget in real-time to the best performing ad set Campaign budget optimization is available for all campaign goals and most appropriate for campaigns with multiple ad groups. This eliminates the need to manually shift budget between ad set.

2. Advertising on Instagram

Facebook is the most used social media platform to advertise on Facebook, both in terms of reach and targeting. Instagram is the opposite and rapidly growing in popularity. It's next to Facebook, and is a visual social network platform that focuses primarily on video and photos. Statista 2018 shows that Instagram is the most popular social media platform. It is used by more than 1 Billion people worldwide and has over 500 million users. This is the reason Instagram has become so popular in recent years. Instagram advertising is a great way for your brand to be promoted with such a large audience.

Instagram advertising doesn't require you to have an account. You can use your Facebook page to voice your ad. You can activate both an Ad Campaign on Facebook and Instagram if you think your audience is on Instagram. Facebook Ads Platform lets us target people by their location. You can target people by gender, age and language. Instagram Story ads can be created by editing placements and checking the box to Stories on Instagram. Instagram supports many ad formats including photo ads and story ads. Instagram Ads can power your business and drive leads and sales.

3. Youtube Social Media Advertising

YouTube ranks second after Google in terms of search engine traffic, with over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide. This social media advertising platform is used by marketers alongside text-based Google Search advertisements. 50 million users are content creators who upload videos daily to YouTube. YouTube advertising is a great way for your business to be promoted on social media.

YouTube offers three types of video ads:

TrueView ads These skippable ads appear at YouTube's beginning of YouTube videos.

Preroll/Non-skippable video ads: As the name suggests these are non-skippable ads, they can be 15 to 20 seconds in duration and there is no way you can stop them unless the ads are run completely.

Bump ads - Bump ads can also be non-skippable and last for six seconds. They appear at the end YouTube videos.

YouTube Advertising can help you expand your digital reach, target customers, and improve your targeting. YouTube Ads lets you target videos by keyword, topic, or category. You can also use Placement Targeting to find YouTube pages where your ads should appear. YouTube ads usually cost $0.05 to $0.10. This is a bargain compared to the $50 per keyword click on the Search Network. This means you don't need to pay for people who click on your ad.

4. Linkedin Advertising

LinkedIn is a great place for professionals and people from your industry to connect. B2B marketers are more likely to use LinkedIn Advertising Platform because it is where all the professionals are. Marketers have the option to create advertising campaigns that focus on brand awareness or lead generation.

They may also select a clear objective such as:

Brand Awareness

Website visits


Video views

Lead generation

Website conversions

Linkedin Advertising has different formats for advertising depending on the goal. There are many formats available, including Direct Sponsored content and Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail and Text Ads are the most common types of ads on Linkedin. Linkedin Advertising has many targeting options. B2B Companies can target CEOs of investment companies and companies. Linkedin allows you to target three different audiences based on their interactions, including Account targeting and Website targeting. It would be wonderful if all marketers wanted direct contact with CEOs, not employees. Marketers who advertise on Linkedin have this opportunity.

Advertising on Linkedin is more expensive than advertising on other social media platforms, such as Instagram or Facebook.

5. Twitter Advertising

Twitter is another social networking site that journalists, PR professionals, marketers, and individual users can use. You can use it to send short messages to one another, and also for microblogging. It combines instant messaging, blogging, texting, and both. Most tweeters use microblogs to share useful information and have fun.

Tweets are more popular than any other online media, and they explode. Twitter is a great platform to connect with your followers in a meaningful and personal way. Many influential people use Twitter to communicate with one another and are open to learning about new brands and products. It's a powerful marketing tool that lets marketers advertise their recruiting and consulting services, as well as their retail stores via Twitter. Twitter is used by 42% of consumers to find information about products and services. Marketers use Twitter Advertising to promote their products and services. You should aim to reach a targeted audience and increase brand recognition. Twitter offers the ability to advertise through "promote mode" and "Twitter ads" such as Promoted Twitter or Promoted Accounts. Promoted tweets are paid advertisements that promote tweets based upon location or interest in order to increase website traffic and generate leads.

6. Snapchat Social Media Advertising

Snapchat, TikTok and Instagram are great platforms for young people who love to share their stories in a fun way. Today's young generation can view, listen, post and more likely send Snapchat Snaps. Snapchat offers augmented reality (AR) which is a popular feature this generation uses to personalize, personalize and share their snaps every day. Snap claims AR is used by over 70% of its users every month. Snapchat advertising is not as popular as Instagram or Facebook, but it boasts almost 200,000,000 active daily users who watch over 10 Billion videos each day.

Snapchat Advertising is a way for brands to advertise online. It's all about branding so that young people will be most likely to interact with your brand. Snapchat advertising success is dependent on knowing your target audience. Snapchat prefers natural, normal content over professional ads. Snapchat ads with audio on are also viewed 60% more often by people. This means that people listen to your messages for twice as long as they see them. Snapchat might not be right for every company. However, marketers have a huge opportunity to market their products to connect with millennials.

Snapchat Advertising can be used in many different ways. Advertisers can use:

Top Snap Only

Web View

App Install

Video in Long Form

Deep Link

Sponsored Lenses

Geofilter Sponsored

On-Demand Geo-Filter

7. Pinterest Advertising

Pinterest is another social media platform you can use to promote your ideas. Pinterest lets users search for inspiration and create boards. They can also pin content they like later. Pinterest claims that over 300,000,000 people visit Pinterest every month. 84% of these users use Pinterest to help decide which product to purchase. Marketers have an amazing opportunity to reach more people via Pinterest's search and browsing features. You can promote Pinterest ads as Promoted Pins/Pinterest Ads, Promoted Cartosal or Promoted Video Pins. Promoted Carosal and Promoted App Installs are all possible. Pinterest is a huge search engine, so hashtags are not allowed on organic pins.

Promoted pins can be used to your advantage in two ways

Pinterest users can view ads

Pins can be added to Pinterest searches

Targeting is achieved by combining basic targeting criteria, such as gender and location, with interest targeting . After your ads are set up, you can monitor their progress and adjust campaigns as needed.

All information necessary to analyze a campaign is provided by the Ad manager. It contains attributes such as:

Many impressions

The amount of savings


Click through rate

CTR Effective

CPC/CPM Average

Advertising spend total

Last words

These social media platforms are some of the most used paid advertising platforms of the 21st century. We are not sure what the next social media boom might bring. Not all social media platforms are suitable for all businesses. TikTok, Instagram and Pinterest are top social media platforms that wholesalers and retailers use. This is also known to be B2C businesses. Twitter and Linkedin are two of the most popular social media platforms used by B2B companies. It is the preferred choice for corporate executives. Snapchat and Pinterest are extremely popular in certain countries.

These are only a few social media sites that can be used to generate demand, direct traffic and lead generation.


paid advertising, social media, social media paid ads

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