9 Business Lessons we Learn from Squid Game

9 Business Lessons we Learn from Squid Game

Squid Game, a South Korean drama series developed by Hwang Dong-Hyuk, is now streaming at the top of the charts on Netflix. The show caters to a diverse audience, including those who prefer suspense and thrillers as well as those who enjoy emotional, dramatic, and comedic components. That is why we believe the current hype surrounding this show is well-deserved, and it is the perfect show for anyone searching for something new to binge on.

Squid Game is much more than a fun survival game series. Squid Game is more than simply a game. It also provides a number of life lessons that can be practiced and used in the real world.

Teamwork is Always the best way to achieve success

Entrepreneurs and business owners are well-known for seeking to wear multiple hats in order to keep control over all elements of their firm or to save money. The tug-of-war episode of Squid Game demonstrates how team members may outperform a far physically stronger team of opponents by listening to each other, thinking together, and cooperating. To thrive, we must be able to work as a team. It is often used in our businesses.

Strategy and Planning

If you're on the losing end of the game but have greater preparation and strategies than your opponents, you've already won the war. The show's Tug of War game features identical scenarios. On the one side, there is a team of all-male strength, and on the other, a team of females and an elderly man. The other team appears to be winning, yet this is not the reality. The elderly man devises a strategy and means to defeat all of the powerful men, so saving his life from being crushed. The two cornerstones of a business organization are strategy and planning. Only displays the graphs, while the other teaches you on how to reach the highest point of the graph.

Think Out of the Box

Participants in one of the games must use a needle to cut a form on their honeycomb without shattering it. Carving the forms with a needle in under ten minutes is difficult, but player 456, Gi Hun, realized that licking the back of the honeycomb to break off the unwanted portions is easier. When he started doing this, numerous individuals around him started doing the same, and he was able to finish the round. A problem can be resolved in a number of ways. Prepare to think beyond the box in order to survive. To achieve your goal, dare to think beyond the box.

Experience always Help you in Future

In the game glass stepping stones, players must traverse a bridge composed of glass panels. The issue is that half of them are glass panels that cannot sustain a person's weight, while the other half are tempered glass that can support two people's weight. One of the participants was a glassmaker who could discern between the various glasses and so navigate the maze. Your coworkers may have prior experience that you can draw on to deal with prospective employment problems. As a result, the experience is never wasted.

Remember your Budget While Spending

Everyone that plays the Squid game has something in common. That is the sum owed. 456 individuals entered Squid Game in desperation, ignorant of the game's catastrophic consequences owing to overspending, addiction, and other reckless behavior. They went through nerve-racking games and conflicts for money, nearly killing him multiple times during the performance. Keep track of your expenses and never spend more than you have.

Finishing last does not mean failure

The glass stone game imparts an important lesson. Last place does not imply defeat. It is advantageous to learn from the mistakes of others and make more informed decisions. People who are ahead of us may fail first because they were ahead of you and were unprepared for challenges. It's not about who came first or last in business; it's about who stayed in the race despite numerous defeats. When we enter the corporate world, we discover hundreds of other businesses with similar ideas to ours. However, this should not dissuade us from pursuing our objectives. We should never quit up, no matter how many times we fall. Instead, we should continue to try to cross the finish line. If you can get back on your feet after a hundred falls, you've won.

Don’t rush through life

The bulk of those who participated in the Squid Game rushed through each obstacle, and they paid a high price for it. One of the participants in the Red Light Green Light game tried to hurry up and died as a result. Our lives have become a series of tasks, and our perpetual rush forces us to choose things over people. While having a plan is essential, don't lose sight of what's most important in your life.

Good Leadership is the key to success

In the honeycomb game, the only tool accessible to players is a sewing needle, which they must use to cut out a delicious form without breaking it. When player 456 is in a rush and needs to release the form, he discovers that licking the back of the candy is beneficial. When the other players observe, they follow suit. In the tug of war, players 456 and 218 also serve as good leaders, guiding the team to victory by making sound decisions. The takeaway here is that if you show leadership, others will follow.

Stay Calm In The Worst Situations

The first game, 'Red Light-Green Light,' is a watershed moment in the series, revealing the true story and plot. As shown in the scene, a player who disregarded a game regulation is shot dead, spreading panic among the other 455 participants. This resulted in a hail of gunfire in the early few minutes of the incident. Taking it seriously, learning about other people's mistakes makes us less confident in our abilities, which leads to our own failure. You will learn that your problem is unique if you remain calm and patient while looking around for solutions. Losing hope because of the failings of others isn't always the greatest thing to do, but learning from their mistakes with patience will surely help you thrive in business.


As Squid Game reminds us, strong players do not make great teams. Strategic, compassionate leaders with a clear vision and purpose, who encourage their employees to learn, grow, and operate in an agile manner, who instill inclusion within and outside of the business, and who can build true connections among their people, are what make a team or organization successful.


best way to achieve success, squid game, entrepreneurs

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